Trans7 (formerly known as TV7) is an Indonesian commercial television station based in Central Jakarta. It is jointly owned by the Gramedia Group and Trans TV. It began broadcasting on 15 December 2001. On 15 December 2006, the official name became Trans 7 from TV 7 due to its half ownership by Trans Corp, a company that also owned Trans TV. Trans7, a Trans Corp Company is currently seeking competent candidates for the following positions:VIDEO EDITOR (Position Code: TR7-VE)Qualifications: 1. Male, age maximum 28 years 2. Minimum D3 any majors, minimum GPA of 2.75 3. Being able to use video editing software 4. Can work in shiftingQUALITY CONTROL (Position Code: TR7-QC)Qualifications: 1. Male, age maximum 28 years 2. Minimum D3 any majors, minimum GPA of 2.75 3. Have good analytical skills 4. Can work in shiftingTECHNICAL ON AIR (Position Code: TR7-TOA)Qualifications: 1. Male, age maximum 28 years 2. S1 Telecommunication / IT, a minimum GPA of 2.75 3. Mastering Networking and computer infrastructure 4. Can work in shiftingCAMERA PERSON (Position Code: TR7-CAMPERS)Qualifications: 1. Male, age maximum 28 years 2. Minimum D3 any majors, minimum GPA of 2.75 3. Able to operate a video cameraADMINISTRATION (Position Code: TR7-ADM)Qualifications: 1. Male, age maximum 28 years 2. Minimum D3 any majors, minimum GPA of 2.75 3. Familiar with the administrative work* Send your resume to:* Include the POSITION CODE in subject of e-mail* Participants who pass the selection and administration will be announced in a column in the INFORMATION table here* Participants whose name is listed, please come to carry out the recruitment process in accordance with the schedule of each Trans7 testsNot later than 9 September 2011
Lowongan Kerja Trans7
8:42 PM