PT PLN Persero Regional Lampung mengundang lulusan SMA dan SMA untuk bergabung dengan tim kami pada lowongan kerja terbaru BUMN 2011 sebagai:

Teknisi Distribusi (Code: TEK DIS) SMA IPA or SMK Electric Engineering (Electrical High Current)
Operator Distribusi (Code: OP DIS) SMA IPA or SMK Electric Engineering (Electrical High Current)
Operator Transmisi (OP TRANS) SMA IPA or SMK Electric Engineering (Electrical High Current)
Operator Pembangkitan (OP KIT) SMA IPA, SMK Electric Engineering (Electrical High Current) or SMK Mechanical Engineering

  • Male
  • Graduated from SMA/ SMK (shall using Surat Keterangan Lulus)
  • Minimum average UAN score for Mathematics and Physics 6, and for Operator Pembangkitan Position plus the Chemistry score
  • Year of birth 1991 or thereafter
  • Male, not married and willing to not get married during the Prajabatan education process
  • Bodied, minimum height 155 cms, BMI <= 30, no color blind, not night myopic, maximum minus 2, not cylindrical and does not suffer from epilepsy
  • Does not have physical disabilities that can inhibit the working activity
  • Willing to work in shift and not suffering altophobia
  • Not smoking and able to not smoking in PLN working area or in the outside
  • Applicants may choose 1 or 2 positions, with the composition priority 1 and priority 2.

Should you interested please download official information, applying procedures and application form at link below. Closing date: June 10, 2011 (postmark).


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