Advertised: 22-9-11 | Closing Date: 22-10-11
Asuransi Raksa Pratikara was established in 1975. Our service qualities enshrined in our professional, reliable, experienced and conscientious staff. Armed with the innovative insurance knowledge, we are constantly prepared to deliver high quality insurance services to our clientele.We are among the ten largest insurance companies in Indonesia in terms of gross written premium and are in the league of the big five motor vehicle insurer.
We offer career opportunities to young and talented people to be positioned as :
Surveyor StaffJawa Timur - MalangRequirements:
Min. SMK / STM sederajatMemiliki SIM A dan CMampu mengoperasikan komputer (min microsoft office)Usia tidak lebih dari 25 tahunBerdomisili di Malang dan sekitarnya
PT Asuransi Raksa Pratikara
Wisma BSG 3rd Floor Jl. Abdul Muis No. 40 Jakarta 10160