PT Jurnalindo Aksara Grafika membuka kesempatan lowongan pekerjaan mengisi posisi yang ditawarkan sebagai berikut:

A. Manager Technology Solution

  • Develop and implement Disaster recovery Planning, Capacity Management, Planning and Performance Management standard process for JAG Information Technology environments.
  • Develop and, implement and monitor performance measurement standards for members of the Technology Solutions Team. Focus on achieving world class customer service standards
  • Continually monitor enhancements in Indonesia communication infrastructure development to ensure JAG can leverage optimal value from its communication networks
  • Develop and implement national administration process and procedures to manage the procurement and placement of hardware and software.
  • Development of National Information Technology support services which is practical, timely and support BI/JAG standards. Ensure service standards are measured and improved
  • Optimize Groupware platforms in-line with business needs to ensure business information availability to users (SOP's, publication, specific departmental workflow environments)
  • Develop and sustain productive working relationships and solid lines of communication with business partners and selected supplier/vendors


  • Develop documented standard operating procedures for section responsibilities
  • Lead, mange and develop the Technology Solution Team to enhance their personnel skills and abilities and their value to JAG
  • Ability to demonstrate a pro-active and preventive maintenance work protocol
  • Achieve Optimum performance and value from the Communication infrastructure
  • Ensure the Delivery of cost effective, timely development activities while managing to BI corporate development standards
  • Productive working relationships with business partners and selected supplier/vendor


  • To be successful candidate for this position post graduate tertiary qualifications would be distinct advantage yet 5 to 7 years experience in a senior Information Technology management function would be a minimal acceptable qualification.
  • Also experience in the development, maintenance and support of the following systems or frameworks will be essential for this position: Server (Oracle, Unix, and Win Experience), LAN, WAN
  • Strategic planning and policy skills in relation to information technology
  • A proven track record in the local Indonesia Telecommunication networks and management of such systems in a business environment is also essential for this position.
  • You will also need the ability to communicate in a professional manner in both written and verbal English.

B. Manager E- Bisnis

  • Maintain the overall plan and strategy of E-Business Application Technology roadmap across the portfolios.
  • Optimize E-Business platforms in-line with business needs to ensure business information availability to users (SOP's, publications, specific departmental work-flow environments)
  • Monitor and measure the performance for members of the E-Business team with focus to deliver high quality products supporting with excellent documentation and user education program
  • Monitor and enhancing the Implemented E-Business Application solutions and technology to ensure BI can leverage optimal value from its investment
  • Develop and implement the standard working and business documentation for the group and communicate it across the other functional sections
  • Socializing the E-Business Application through planed and continuous training program for user in BI Group
  • Manage the Development team, approve and monitor all requests for development services. Assign priorities and deadlines to approved requests according to business criticality
  • Manage the external business partners' developers. Develop productive working relationships and solid lines of communication with external business partners to ensure high quality of services delivered.


  • Provide strategic plan for E-Business Application that in-line with the overall Information Technology Direction as driven by the business
  • Managing the overall group activities through effort prioritizing, change management, quality management to ensure that output is delivered with quality and controlled cost
  • Maintaining good work relationship & communication with the business to understand the business needs. Ensuring the delivered product and solution is adding value and being effectively to support the business
  • Evaluate the external business partners for E-Business development through continuous monitoring of quality of delivery. This is to guarantee that BI is gaining maximum value of services.
  • Provide leadership to continuously increase the group of performance, by encourage and empower the group members
  • Provide guidance in all development works
  • Ensure the on-going support of implemented business applications


  • A successful candidate for this position should be at least university graduate (preferably from computer science) with 5-7 years experience in management and exploitation of E-Business Technology (Business portal, Knowledge management, multimedia solutions) in a well known company with large practical E-Business environment
  • The following certification would be an advantage : Web Design, Java Scripting, Oracle, Zend PHP
  • Strategic planning and policy skills in relation to information technology
  • A proven track record in the local Indonesia Telecommunication networks and management of such systems in a business environment is also essential for this position.
  • You will also need the ability to communicate in a professional manner in both written and verbal English.

Apabila anda berminat, dapat mengirimkan lamaran dan cv melalui e-mail ke: paling lambat 14 hari setelah iklan ini dimuat (23 Juli 2008).

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