Lowongan Kerja Anak Perusahaan PT PLN (persero) 2011

PLN has a long history in electricity industry of Indonesia. As the sole provider of electricity in Indonesia, PLN is striving to increase quality of services to all Indonesian.
Electricity industry has played an important role in economical structure of Indonesia. The electricity development in Indonesia were started in 19th century,
when some of Netherland's sugar and tea companies were established its own electricity generation for their own consumption. In between the year of 1942-1945, there was a great shift from these Dutch manufacturing companies by the Japanese after the Dutch surrendered to the Japanese army in the beginning of World War II.

The shift reoccurred at the end of World War II in August 1945 when the Japanese surrendered to the Allied Forces. This opportunity was taken over by the youths and electricity labourers through Labour/Employee Electricity and Gas delegation together with the Management of KNI Head Office to meet President Soekarno to ask the handover of the Companies to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. On October 27, 1945, President Soekarno established Electricity and Gas Bureau under the Departement of Public Works and Energy with power plant capacity of 157.5 MW.

On January 1, 1961, Gas and Electricity Bureau was changed to BPU-PLN (Board of General Administration of the State Electricity Company) that focused on electricity, gas and coke sectors. On January 1, 1965 BPU-PLN was dismissed and 2 (two) state owned enterprises were formalised,namely Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), a state-owned electricity company, to manage electrity power and Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) to manage gas power.

In 1972, in accordance with Government Regulation No.17, the State-owned Electricity Company was enacted as a State-owned General Electricity Company and as PKUK responsible to provide electricity to meet public needs. While the Government policy was giving opportunity to the Private Sectors to focus on the provision of electricity, the status of PLN was changed from a General Company to Corporation’ as well as PKUK in providing electricity for public needs until the present.

One of PT. PLN (Persero) subsidiary engaged in Engineering currently need potential candidates who eager to fill following positions.
Mechanical Engineer Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineer Bachelor degree in Electricity Engineering
Civil Engineer Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering
Instrument and Control Engineer Bachelor degree in Physics Engineering
Project Administrator Bachelor / Diploma degree in Non Engineering

• Minimum GPA 2.75 for Engineer (S1) and 3.00 for Non Engineer (S1/ D3)
• Maximum 27 years old for Bachelor and 25 years old for Diploma
• Sound mind and body (sehat jasmani dan rohani)
• Willing to be placed all over Indonesia
Selection Stages
• Test of Academic Potential and English
• Psychological Test
• Medical Test
• Interview
Prepare the test with Panduan Psikotest LKIT
for more detail please download PLN document in Bahasa Indonesia at the link below
Download Document

Should you interested please send your complete application to:

PO BOX 3958 JKP 10039
Received no later than April 23, 2011.
The selection committee decision cannot be contested. 


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