Rekrutmen Pegawai BUMN Perum BULOG 2011

For more than 30 years Bulog has conducted assignments from the government to handle the staple food especially rice, in order to strengthen national food security. Bulog Management has not changed much over time, although there are differences in the duties and functions in various periods.

In order to carry out its duties and functions, legal status Bulog is a non-departmental government agencies (Officials) under Presidential Decree no. 39 of 1978. However, since the economic crisis that hit Indonesia in 1997 arising from a very strong pressure to drastically cut the government's role so that all national interests including food should be left entirely to market mechanisms. These pressures emerged mainly from developed countries especially the U.S. lenders and international financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank.

Logical consequences that must be accepted from such pressure is Bulog must change completely. Impetus for change comes not only from abroad, but also from within the country. First, changes in government food policy and pruning tasks and functions that are only allowed to handle Bulog rice commodities, removal of import monopolies such as that contained in several Presidential and SK Menperindag since 1998. RI Presidential last about Bulog, the Presidential Decree no. 103 of 2001 asserted that Bulog should switch its status to a state not later than May 2003. Second, the enactment of several new laws, especially Law. 5 of 1999 concerning the prohibition of monopolistic practices, and Law. 22 of 2000 on Regional Autonomy, which limit the authority of the central government and the abolition of vertical institutions. Third, the public wants Bulog free from elements that are contrary to the demands of reform, freedom from corruption and free from the influence of certain political parties, so that Bulog able to institute an efficient, effective, transparent and able to satisfactorily serve the public interest. Fourth, global economic changes that lead to market liberalization, particularly with the WTO that requires the removal of non-tariff barrier such as a tariff barrier monopoly and opening the domestic market. In the LoI signed by the governments of Indonesia and the IMF in 1998, specifically emphasized the need to change the legal status Bulog for an institution that is more efficient, transparent and accountable.

Due to the demands for change, Bulog has conducted various studies by both internal and external parties Bulog. First, the internal team Bulog in 1998 have reviewed the role of Bulog now and institute changes in the future. This is followed by a workshop activity in January 2000 involving Bulog and Dolog selindo in order to set the direction for the adjustment of the duties and functions that are then referred to as the "New Paradigm Bulog". Second, studies expert from the University of Indonesia (UI) in 1999 that analyzed the various forms of legal entity that can be selected by Bulog, namely LPND like now, or turned into a s, State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN), or Perum Perjan. Based on these studies suggest that Bulog choose Perum as a form of legal entity to perform two functions simultaneously, namely the public and commercial functions. Third, the study of international auditors Arthur Andersen in 1999 which has audited the level of operational efficiency Bulog. In particular, it is suggested Bulog refine organizational structure, and improve internal policies, systems, processes and controls in order to improve efficiency and minimize the occurrence of corruption in the future. Fourth, the study together with Bernas Malaysia in 2000 to see the various changes made by Malaysia and designing possible application in Indonesia. Fifth, the study of international consultants Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) in 2001 which has developed a corporate planning including the formulation of vision and mission and strategy Bulog, analyze core business and phase transformation Bulog institutions to turn into institutions Perum. Sixth, a fairly strong political support from members of Parliament, particularly the Commission III of the various hearings between Bulog with Commission III of the Parliament during the period 2000-2002.

Based on these results, the provisions of the Parliament and political support, it was concluded that the most appropriate legal status for Bulog is Perum. With the form Perum, Bulog still can carry out a public duty imposed by the government, especially in securing the base price of purchasing grain, rice distribution to the poor food insecurity, national stock of fertilizer for various public purposes for emergencies and other public interest in efforts to control price volatility . In addition, operational Bulog can contribute to the community as one of economic actors to carry out the business functions that are not contrary to law and rules of transparency. With this condition the motion Bulog institutions will be more flexible and results of its business activities can be partially used to support public task, given the more limited government funds in the future. With such conditions expected to change the status of the Perum Bulog can further increase the benefit to the public.

And in the end a new era had come, too, since January 20, 2003 Officials Bulog officially changed to Bulog in Government Regulation No. 7 of 2003 which was subsequently revised to Government Decree no. 61 of 2003. Launch Bulog was conducted in the National Archives Building in Jakarta on May 10, 2003.

Perusahaan Umum (Perum) Bulog currently opening career opportunities for Indonesian candidates who posses Bachelor (S1) degree to join our team and to become our future leaders. Please attend Program Rekrutmen Pegawai Perum Bulog Tahun 2011 with following term.

General Requirements
* Bachelor (S1) degree
• Accounting: 36 positions
• Financial Management: 20 positions
• Corporate Management/ HR: 31 positions
• Marketing Management: 16 positions
• Law: 22 positions
• Computer Science/ Informatics: 24 positions
• Communications/ Public Relation: 11 positions
• Biology: 6 positions
• Agribusiness/ Agrobusiness/ Agribusiness Management/ Agriculture Economics/ Socio Economics (Sosek) of Agriculture/ Penyuluhan Pertanian: 37 positions
• Agronomy/ Cultivation (Budidaya) Agriculture/ Agriculture/ Agro-Meteorology-Climatology: 32 positions
• Crop Pests And Diseases (Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman): 8 positions
• Agriculture Mechanization & Technology/ Agricultural Mechanization: 20 positions
• Agricultural Products Processing/ Agricultural Products Technology/ Agriculture Industrial Technology/ Food Technology/ Food & Agricultural Products Technology/ Agricultural Technology: 17 positions
• Industrial Engineering: 6 positions
• Mechanical Engineering: 9 positions
• Civil Engineering: 5 positions
* Minimum GPA 2.75 (PTN) and 3.00 (PTS)
* Male prefered
* Experienced candidates prefered
* Maximum 30 years old by October 31, 2011

• Divisi Regional Aceh : 12 positions
• Divisi Regional Sumatera Utara : 10 positions
• Divisi Regional Riau : 12 positions
• Divisi Regional Sumatera Barat : 5 positions
• Divisi Regional Jambi : 3 positions
• Divisi Regional Sumatera Selatan : 15 positions
• Divisi Regional Bengkulu : 4 positions
• Divisi Regional Lampung : 6 positions
• Divisi Regional DKI Jakarta : 20 positions
• Divisi Regional Jawa Barat : 36 positions
• Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah : 25 positions
• Divisi Regional Yogyakarta : 2 positions
• Divisi Regional Jawa Timur : 16 positions
• Divisi Regional Kalimantan Barat : 10 positions
• Divisi Regional Kalimantan Timur : 6 positions
• Divisi Regional Kalimantan Selatan : 8 positions
• Divisi Regional Kalimantan Tengah : 7 positions
• Divisi Regional Sulawesi Utara : 6 positions
• Divisi Regional Sulawesi Tengah : 8 positions
• Divisi Regional Sulawesi Tenggara : 11 positions
• Divisi Regional Sulawesi Selatan : 35 positions
• Divisi Regional Bali : 2 positions
• Divisi Regional NTB : 15 positions
• Divisi Regional NTT : 14 positions
• Divisi Regional Maluku : 5 positions
• Divisi Regional Papua : 7 positions

Registration open from December 9 to May 16, 2011 and / or to fulfill the quota limits set by the committee participants.

The files you need to prepare are as follows:
1. Digital copies of color photographs size 4 x 6 with a maximum size of 150 Kilobytes (Kb).
2. Digital copy of ID card with a maximum size of 200 Kilobytes (Kb).
3. S1 digital copies of diploma and transcripts Value (in one file) with a maximum size of 1.2 Megabytes (Mb).
All files must be shaped extension. jpeg or. jpg.

Reminded the participants that is free of charge during follow this selection process. The selection process was conducted independently. If there are other parties on behalf of both committees, officers and / or employees of Perum Bulog, which promises to graduation and others, participants were asked not to be ignored and promptly report to the authorities.

Source : LKIT


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